In July 2017 Blackley Baptist Church decided to embark on a new chapter in the life of the Blackley Centre to develop it as a place for peace making and inter faith relations, under the guidance of the new joint Directors. The Centre offers a developing range of events, services and training for peace making and inter faith relations, for people and communities across the north and into the Midlands.
The Blackley Centre works in partnership with four other centres for peace making and inter faith relations through Reconcilers Together. These are St Ethelburga’s in London, St Michael’s House at Coventry Cathedral, the Rose Castle Foundation near Carlisle and the Corrymeela Community in Northern Ireland.
The Centre is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation with its own trustees and membership. Whilst it is a distinct organisation, the Blackley Centre continues to work in close partnership with Blackley Baptist Church, with both organisations sharing and developing the beautiful Blackley site and buildings to meet their future needs and vision.
The Blackley Centre
The Blackley Centre was originally set up by Blackley Baptist Church in 1993 and has since provided a welcoming and hospitable venue for retreats, away days, meetings, training and conferences and this continues to be an important part of the Centre’s work and offer. If you would be interested in booking the Centre for your organisation please go the booking page.