Peace and Quiet Days

Come and enjoy the space, peace and quiet of Blackley for a day of retreat.

For many of us, life can be a continual round of doing, yet we know that it is important for our mental, spiritual and emotional life to take time to stop, reflect and pray. The Peace and Quiet Days here at Blackley are an opportunity to do just that.

In peaceful surroundings, come and stop.

Use the space, resources, and grounds of the Blackley Centre, including the Chapel, as you wish, in silent prayer, reflection, reading, and meditation.

These days are especially helpful for those who want to discover more about how to manage themselves in conflict situations, or who need some support or coaching to get through a difficult time.

Each day starts with a group reflection which can provide a helpful focus for the day, and participants can create an individual programme from a menu of activities.

There are one-to-one conflict management session, opportunities to explore your style under stress through the Gilmore Fraleigh Friendly Style Indicator, a Blackley Pilgrimage (a walk through the beautiful countryside, stopping to reflect and pray at various points) and opportunities for spiritual direction. These activities need to be booked in advance and are subject to availability. See below for more details

Previous attenders have all given it 5* rating (out of 5!) and have expressed appreciation for the reflections and coaching they have received.

​Hot and cold drinks, delicious cake and biscuits are available throughout the day, with the option of bringing your own lunch or booking a light lunch.

Cost for Day : £20 waged / £15 concessions

(Lunch £5)

[If there is problem with regard paying for these days, please do give us a ring as we do have bursaries]

Add to your day from the following options:

A Led Reflection

10.00 am   A Led Reflection  A great way to begin your day.

Spend time with the Retreat Leaders and others in a time of reflection, prayer and meditation, which can then provide a thoughtful structure for the rest of your time at the Centre.

The Blackley Pilgrimage

The Blackley Pilgrimage

Enjoy a short (one hour walk) around Blackley and neighbouring area, stopping for prayer and reflection. This walk is suitable for most levels of fitness as for the most part it is a fairly easy stroll. There are some steeper inclines, and decent footwear is recommended. This activity is weather dependent, and will not always be available.

One-to-one Coaching Session

A One-to-one Coaching Session

This is particularly appropriate and valuable for people experiencing conflict in the church. Explore ways to manage yourself and your anxiety, helping to build your resilience, and enabling you to cope. This is helpful for Church leaders, ministers, their spouses or family members, who are often deeply affected by the stresses of the conflict. Booking is essential.

One-to-one Coaching Session (I hour) : Additional £20

One-to-one Coaching Session (I hour) : Additional £20

‘Understanding your Style’ using the Gilmore Fraleigh Style Profile 

An individual session using the Gilmore Fraleigh Style Profile to help you in your understanding of yourself in calm or storm situations. The questionnaire must be completed and paid for prior to the retreat day.

Gilmore Fraleigh Individual Session (1 hour) : Additional £30

Gilmore Fraleigh Individual Session (1 hour) : Additional £30

(includes G-F Questionnaire and Printed Interpretation booklet @£10)

Closing Reflection Time Finish your day well.

Closing Reflection Time  Finish your day well.

Join with others to share thoughts and reflections, finishing with prayer.

3.45 pm (15-30 mins) 

Contact Us

The Centre Peace and Quiet days are from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm on:

  • Saturday 23rd March
  • Friday 19th April
  • Friday 31st May
  • Saturday 29th June
  • Friday 26th July
  • Friday 27th September
  • Saturday 26th October
  • Friday 29th November