Sustaining the work of The Blackley Centre

It’s become clear to the Directors and Trustees, that to be sustainable, The Blackley Centre needs to develop a core income from committed ongoing giving by members, friends, supporters, organisations and those who’ve benefited from our work. This core income will provide a regular foundation, supplemented by fees for our services and grants. This is now an ongoing part of our strategy and in July 2024 the trustees launched an appeal with a target of 25k, the equivalent of 6 months costs.

We invite all our contacts and those who use our services to consider membership of The Blackey Centre, making a regular gift, or if this is not possible, to consider making an occasional gift.

On this page there are links to:

Thank you for taking the time to read this. We hope you will feel able to support the Centre’s work. If you would like any further information, please do get in touch.

Revd. Jo and Andy Williams

Blackley Centre Directors